
Alec Smith

Alec Smith has been nominated by all the teachers in 6th grade as our male representative for student of the month. Alec is the son of Dennis and Shannon Brown, and is the brother to Bentley Smith and Lucianna Brown. Alec is a kind, focused, and funny young man who enjoys coloring and playing football. He is a nose guard and defensive lineman for our JV Wildcats football team and proudly wears the #68. Alec’s favorite subject in school is gym because he enjoys being active and finds it fun. His favorite thing about school is that he doesn’t have teachers following him around everywhere. Alec’s advice for future middle schoolers is that it is more fun than elementary school, but you’re not as powerful. Alec’s future career goal is to be a veterinarian and work with household pets such as dogs and cats. Alec has been selected as the student of the month for his kind and hard-working demeanor. Being the “new kid” is always a difficult situation but it did not slow Alec down. Alec puts forth his best effort and remains focused when completing his assignments, works well in a group, and is a calm energy to the chaos that comes with 6th grade. Alec also advocates for himself and asks questions whenever needed. His willingness to always try, respectful disposition, and “never-give-up” mindset are just a few of the reasons the teachers unanimously nominated Alex as the male student of the month. Welcome to the wildcat family; we are very proud of you!

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