
Aubree Booterbaugh 

I am honored to present Aubree Booterbaugh as one of Mayville Elementary School’s second grade students of the month. I chose Aubree because she follows our CATS expectations here at Mayville. Aubree always works hard in class and is willing to help out not only myself, but her fellow classmates. She is respectful and is a very reliable student. Aubree is the daughter to Pamela. Her stepdads name is Nathan. She has 2 brothers; Denver and Matthias. She has one dog and 4 cats. Two of her cats are indoor cats and the other two are outdoor cats. Aubree’s favorite food is homemade Chinese that her dad makes. He grills the chicken and it is really good. If she could choose any restaurant to go out to eat at she would choose Wang’s Bistro because they have good food. She really likes their sushi, rice and chicken with sweet and sour sauce. Her favorite thing about school is math because it comes easy to her, which means that math is her favorite subject at school. She enjoys the fictional books. Her favorite color is blue.. At home she likes jump on the trampoline and during the winter she likes to color with her family. At school she really likes playing with her friends, especially Daelynn and Payton. When she grows up she wants to be an artist (painting). I want to try and make things and then turn them into other things that look really good. It is a joy to have Aubree in class and she is a wonderful representation for Mayville Elementary School.

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