
Declan Jeffords

Declan Jeffords is the son of Nathan and Nicole Jeffords. He has two siblings Luka and Nora. Declan’s best friends are Easton, Chevy, Kyler, Gage and Chelsea. In his free time he enjoys relaxing. His favorite sports are football and baseball. Declan’s favorite subjects in school are math and recess. If Declan could have anything in the world it would be a new dog. When he grows up he would like to be a sports announcer. Patrick Mahomes is his role model because he is really good at football and he wants to be just like him. Declan’s favorite book is Harry Potter and his favorite food is sloppy joes. Declan has been chosen as student of the month for his outstanding character and the way that he treats others. He is very respectful and kind to everyone around him. Declan is a hard worker and always puts forth his best effort. He is always participating in class and doing his very best each day. He is a joy to have in class and he is always lighting up the room with his positive attitude and contagious smile. Congratulations Declan!

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